Rejuve Medical

3 Diet Rules to Avoid to Maintain Results from SculpSure Body Contouring

SculpSure body contouring is one of the latest breakthroughs in non-invasive fat reduction treatments. This laser-assisted fat-melting procedure works by targeting fat cells in specific areas in the body; those where stubborn fats are known to accumulate, heating these fat cells to enable the body to absorb them and then naturally eliminate overtime. The eliminated fat cells are gone for good; however, patients must remember that to maintain results from their SculpSure body contouring treatment, they must maintain a healthy and balanced diet.

Note: Fat cells that are left in untreated areas could swell and accumulate with an unhealthy diet, causing bulges to develop once more.

Some people find it difficult to shed pounds or maintain a healthy weight not because they’re not doing the work but because they’re following diet rules that have since been debunked by nutritionists, researchers, and physicians. Here are some of them:

1. Take your meals at the same time everyday

One of the most common diet rules that people follow is eating meals at the same time each day. Some would argue that this is a good diet rule because you are “training” your stomach when it should and shouldn’t feel hungry, therefore helping you control your hunger and cravings. Health experts agree that waiting for your scheduled meal time even when you’re already hungry or eating at a specific time even when you’re not is counterintuitive for the mere reason that it will make it more difficult for you to stick to your diet. Eat when you’re hungry but in small, controlled portions.

2. Don’t eat at night

Don’t eat at night, or more specifically, don’t eat anything beyond six o’clock in the evening to avoid gaining weight. A lot of people follow this rule as well and while there is some truth to this, it’s not completely accurate. The thing that makes you gain weight isn’t actually when> you eat but rather, what you eat. It’s the total daily calories that you consume that cause weight gain.

However, since you might be feeling tired and stressed out at the end of the day, you might have the urge to pile on the calories causing you to gain weight over time, which is probably why the rule about night-eating was made.

3. Eat small meals throughout the day

It was once thought that eating small meals throughout the day keeps the blood sugar stable and skipping meals causes stress on the body thereby causing the body to store fat once the body feels stressed. With the latest research, it has been determined that fasting for 12-16 hours in a day and eating food within a 6-8 hour time frame causes the body to become more efficient in its intracellular pathways which leads to improved blood sugar, lower cholesterol.

Call Rejuvé at (408) 740-5320 to schedule an appointment with Dr. John Tang for a consultation on SculpSure body contouring treatment.