Rejuve Medical

Dr. Tang’s Journal Log of His Treatment

Pre-Treatment: I have been looking forward to trying a laser resurfacing. Even though most people didn’t think I needed any laser treatments, I felt I needed it. I wanted to treat some of my large pores and small acne scars on my cheeks caused by years of acne when I was a teenager. I also wanted some overall skin rejuvenation.

Treatment Day: During the days and morning before the treatment, I was not nervous at all. When it was time, I laid down on the exam table with the protective googles. I definitely got nervous because I didn’t know what to expect. I knew it wasn’t going to feel good, but how bad? I just said, “go.” Then it started. The laser felt like “little small sharp needles.” Tolerable. I sighed some relief. We went a little stronger. It was still ok. Around the eyes it was stronger but still manageable.

Post Treatment: My face felt numb from the numbing cream. Face felt tight. No pain. I looked at the mirror – some pinpoint bleeding, only a little swelling, white marks left by the laser. No concerns except I was just concerned about my 4-year-old son who might get scared of face.

That Night: A little more swelling. More tightness around the mouth. No pain. Some more oozing and dried crusted blood. I cleaned it off with the cleanser. Tried Cicaplast – had some burning for 5 minutes but resolved. Slept well.

Post Day 1: Face felt dry. Applied aquaphor. Felt sticky, hard to remove. Treated areas darker red. No pain. Went to work. Explained to patients that I just had a laser resurfacing treatment. It was definitely a topic of discussion.

Post Day 2: Washed face – noticed a lot skin peeled off. Some dried crust came off. Definitely less “scary” (per son)

Dr. Tang's skin resurfacing procedure

Post Day 3: More peeling. Almost all dried skin off now. Redness lighter but still noticeable.

Post Day 4: Very light peeling. Redness lighter. Patients aren’t noticing any significant redness.

Post Day 5: Very light redness. No more peeling.

Post Day 6: Practically normal looking.