Rejuve Medical

SculpSure Helps Aging Individuals Lose Stubborn Extra Inches

SculpSure is an easy way to lose those stubborn extra pounds despite aging.

As you age, it becomes harder to lose weight. Slower recovery from physical activity makes it difficult to stay active. Older athletes and active individuals are more susceptible to delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS) and overuse injuries, which can prevent them from being active for multiple days to weeks in a row.

The other main culprit is strain and overuse of other soft tissues as you exercise. Joints, ligaments, and tendons give out slowly over time. When you’re older, a simple injury can put you out of commission for weeks or months at a time, making it harder to get back into your workout routine every time.

Finally, older people tend to have a slower metabolism, making it more difficult to process bad sources of calories and to extract the nutrients they need from their food. This leads to stubborn fatty tissue that ordinary workouts and dieting won’t fix.

Despite all these disadvantages, SculpSure is an attractive option for people in their later years who want to stay slim and active. Because it’s a non-invasive procedure, there’s no need to worry about healing from bruising or incisions. Clients routinely walk out of our clinic on their own two feet after treatment.

Unlike intense exercise, SculpSure does not strain the muscles and other soft tissues. There’s no risk of injury or overuse.

Finally, SculpSure can help you avoid depriving yourself of much-needed nutrients, which is a danger with fad diets and fasting techniques. Instead, you can stay healthy as your body naturally eliminates the dead fat cells targeted during the procedure. You won’t have to take so much as a pain killer.

For more information about SculpSure and our other treatment programs in the San Jose Bay Area, browse through our website or Contact Us at (408) 740-5320.