Rejuve Medical

SculpSure Body Contouring vs. Liposuction: A Comparison by Dr. Tang

More and more people are turning to SculpSure body contouring for the removal of stubborn fat. But how does this revolutionary treatment differ from liposuction? How would you know which of the two procedures is right for you?

To answer these questions, check out our SculpSure body contouring vs. liposuction comparison:

1. Technique

SculpSure body contouring is an FDA-approved nonsurgical, noninvasive procedure, so you won’t experience the trauma of going under the knife. It instead uses a laser to heat and melt fat cells in the target area(s). The entire session lasts around 25 minutes.

In contrast, liposuction is an invasive surgical procedure. It entails using a scalpel to make an incision in the target area. A tube is then inserted into the cut to suck out the fat. Each session can take two to three hours to complete.

2. Pain

During SculpSure body contouring, cooling plates are used to make sure your skin stays comfortable while the underlying fat cells are heated. It’s possible to experience minor tingling or cramping sensations, but these are tolerable. Anesthesia or numbing agents are unnecessary.

Because liposuction involves the cutting and sucking of tissue, it can’t be performed without anesthesia.

3. Recovery

SculpSure body contouring allows you to resume regular activities and work as soon as you’re done with the treatment. It’s even a good idea to exercise immediately after the procedure, as this will aid your body in the breaking down of fatty tissue in the target area(s).

You should be able to return to work a few days after your liposuction procedure. However, due to a few weeks of soreness, bruising, and swelling, you’ll have to wait a while longer before resuming other activities. To control the swelling, you may also be required to wear a compression garment for around 2 months.

4. Risks

SculpSure body contouring is extremely safe. You don’t have to worry about post-procedure complications.

Liposuction can result in a number of problems, such as infection; bleeding; burns; embolism; toxicity from anesthesia; damage to organs, muscles, blood vessels, and nerves; fluid accumulation; and even death.

5. Results

After your SculpSure body contouring treatment, you’ll start to see good results in 6 weeks, and optimal results in 12 weeks. Results look natural.

After liposuction, major changes can be expected in one to three months. Unfortunately, the results vary, with some patients reporting an uneven, deformed appearance.

If you’d like to know more about SculpSure body contouring, kindly contact Rejuve at (408) 740-5320. Rejuve is proud to serve the San Jose Bay Area and the communities of Saratoga, Los Gatos, Campbell, Los Altos, and Cupertino.