Rejuve Medical

jaw slimming v-shape face

Non-Surgical Nose Job

Rhinoplasty continues to be one of the top 5 cosmetic procedures done for both men and women, but there are new alternatives to this traditional procedure in the form of a non-surgical nose job. In San Jose, CA, and other states of the West coast, the American Society of Plastic Surgeons report that 57,598 people

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colorful vegetables

Osteoporosis, Part 3: Nutrition, Supplements, and Lifestyle Changes

In our last two posts, we’ve looked extensively at osteoporosis, examining the risk factors, diagnostic tests, and treatments of the disease. For this last post, we’ll turn to what you can do right now to improve your bone density and bone quality, and reduce your risks for osteoporosis. We’ll focus on four areas: nutrition, exercise,

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Neo 40 Nitric Oxide Supplement

Nitric Oxide

Haven’t heard of nitric oxide? No, it’s not what you get at the dentist! (That’s nitrous oxide.) Nitric oxide (N-O) is extremely important to your health. In fact, its discovery several decades ago led to three U.S. scientists being awarded the Nobel Prize. Since then, N-O has become one of the most heavily researched molecules

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leaky gut syndrome digestive health

Promoting and Maintaining a Healthy Gut, Part 1: The Function of Your Stomach and Intestinal Tract

Whether on the news or on Facebook, you’ve probably noticed more and more people talking about gut health. Every day it feels like there’s a new diet being promoted that promises better health, less stomach discomfort, and more regular digestion. At Rejuvé, we’re getting to the bottom of this, and we’re starting at the source

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