Restylane Lyft
Could your face use a boost? When you age, the amount of collagen and facial fat in your face diminishes, leading to sagging skin and lost volume. Where you once had full, plump cheeks, you may now find that fullness is disappearing. This loss of volume can also make folds in the face, like smile lines, deeper and more noticeable. If you’d like to restore a natural-looking lift to your cheeks, Restylane Lyft may be your solution.
Restylane Lyft lets you get back that youthful look, helping accentuate and augment cheekbones, bring back your facial contouring, and smooth wrinkles and lines. Keep reading to learn more!
Frequently Asked Questions
What is Restylane Lyft?
Restylane Lyft is the first and only FDA-approved filler indicated for two important areas of the face: The midface (cheeks) and nasolabial folds (smile lines). Restylane Lyft was previously known as Perlane, which was approved for the treatment of moderate to severe facial folds. Now called Restylane Lyft, it is also approved for cheek augmentation and the correction of age-related midface contours. It is also FDA approved for restoring the fullness to the back of the hands for more youthful skin.
How is Restylane Lyft different from Restylane and Restylane Silk?
While all of these fillers use hyaluronic acid (HA) to deliver natural-looking results, they are formulated differently from one another and have specific uses in different areas of the face. These treatments are like a family — each family member is different, but they’re all related. Restylane is used to correct and smooth smile lines, and can also be used for lip enhancement. Restylane Silk has a smoother consistency, allowing it to be used to combat fine lines and wrinkles around the mouth as well as to augment the lips. Restylane Lyft particles are larger and have a more granular consistency, helping to address deep wrinkles and restore volume in larger areas of the face. It gives cheeks lift — not just volume.
How long will it take to see results?
In clinical trials, patients showed improved facial fullness immediately. Within 8 weeks, 95% of patients reported that they saw improvement in their appearances. A year after treatment, 73% still reported seeing an improvement.
Can Restylane Lyft be used with other treatments?
Yes. Depending on your individual treatment goals, Restylane Lyft can be used in conjunction with other injectables or with laser treatments. Restylane Lyft is specifically formulated to be used for deep facial folds or wrinkles, or for augmenting the cheeks. It could be used in conjunction with other Restylane formulations, like Restylane Silk or Restylane Kysse, which is especially made for use in the lip area. It is also safe to use in conjunction with laser treatments, because these work at the skin’s surface rather than in the deeper dermis.
Are there any side effects with Restylane Lyft?
In general, the side effects from Restylane Lyft are mild and resolve within 2 weeks. These can include bruising, redness, swelling, pain, headache, tenderness, or itching. If the skin in the area to be treated has any sores, pimples, rashes, hives, cysts, or infections, you should postpone treatment until the skin has healed.

Is there anyone who can’t use Restylane Lyft?
Restylane Lyft is backed by over 15 years of proven safety data, but it is still important to remember that everyone’s health is different. When you talk with Dr. Tang, you should discuss any known allergies, as well as any medications (prescription or OTC) or supplements that you are taking. Restylane Lyft contains lidocaine, so it should not be used by anyone who has a known allergy to lidocaine. It should also not be used by patients with bleeding disorders, severe allergies (especially allergies to microorganisms called gram-positive bacteria), any active infection in the face (including areas where there are untreated skin cancers), or by those who have had reactions to drugs that have required in-hospital treatment.
What is the cost of Restylane Lyft?
This will depend on what concerns you have, the severity of the problems, the desired areas of treatment, age, gender, and other factors which determine the number of syringes that might be needed. The cost of the procedure will be determined by the number of syringes needed. We recommend that you come in for a complimentary consultation with Dr. John Tang or Alexandra Tang RN to discuss your concerns as we help you personalize a treatment plan.
Where can I find the best Restylane Lyft near me?
At Rejuvé. Rejuvé is located in the San Jose Bay Area located in between San Francisco and Santa Cruz about 25 minutes away from Palo Alto/Stanford. We are proud to serve the local communities of Saratoga, Los Gatos, Campbell, Cupertino, Mountain View, Morgan Hill, and Los Altos. There’s a wide range of injectable treatments available that come with different benefits and can help you recover a more youthful appearance in varying ways.
How can you know which one’s for you?
Come in for a one-on-one consultation with Dr. Tang to discuss your goals, and learn more about your treatment options. Please contact us or Call Rejuvé at 408-740-5320 to set up an appointment today!