Nail Fungus
- Quick, Safe & Effective
- No Downtime
- No Costly Drugs OR Ointments
Is this treatment affordable….is this covered by my insurance?
If you have a Health Savings Account or Medical IRA, 100% of the cost can be covered. In most situations this procedure is considered aesthetic and therefore health insurance plans do not provide coverage. However, the procedures themselves are affordable and if needed, we have different payment options available.
What can I expect in the provider’s office?
A consultation with our medical staff, the procedure to be performed and any follow-up visits as prescribed.
How long does the procedure take?
The laser procedure is relatively quick to complete and then you are on your way.
How many treatments are necessary?
Depending on the extent, severity, and which nail is infected, 1-4 treatments are needed. The added treatments will be determined at the time of consultation. They are usually done 4-8 weeks apart.
How many treatments are necessary?
Depending on the extent, severity, and which nail is infected, 1-4 treatments are needed. The added treatments will be determined at the time of consultation. They are usually done 4-8 weeks apart
How does the laser work?
The laser painlessly emits a beam of light that penetrates and kills the fungus that lives in and under the toenail without causing damage to the nail or the surrounding skin. At the time of the procedure, the toenail will not become instantly clear.
Will the fungus come back?
The fungus is killed after one to four treatments and we recommend care techniques to reduce recurrence of infection. There is a chance of re-infection because the fungus is present everywhere in the environment.
When can I paint my nails or have a pedicure?
You can apply polish immediately after the treatment and it is important to remove all nail polish and nail decorations the day before your treatment.

*The above pictures are actual patients but the individual results will
vary and these results may not occur in all patients.