Rejuve Medical

Off Label SculpSure Uses

There’s a groundbreaking, noninvasive solution to stubborn fat. SculpSure is the first non-invasive laser device to be FDA-approved for permanent fat reduction. SculpSure contours your body and reduces a significant amount of fat in your abdomen area. It is currently only FDA-approved for the abdomen area, but what about other problems areas in your body with stubborn fat?


Let’s get acquainted with “areas” first. Areas are generally defined as the abdominal area, but if you have a large treatment area, this could be divided into two sections: the upper abdomen and the lower abdomen. And then the left flank and right flank, upper arms, thighs and knees. The abdomen and flanks (love handles) have FDA clearance, but because the SculpSure applicators are so flexible “off label” areas including the arms and thighs may also be possible. Basically anywhere you have fat deposits you want to get rid of. The ideal candidate should have a body mass index (BMI) of 30 or less which means that it is not intended for those who are on the obese side.


How SculpSure works is dependent on the powerful little lasers within the machine itself. The lasers damage the fat cells themselves below the skin’s surface without creating topographic damage—most patients don’t even leave with any signs of redness or swelling, although these are possible side effects. On the whole however, these are relatively minor when considering the bruising, swelling, nerve pain, and other issues often associated with more traditional methods like liposuction.


What will work best for you will depend on your body and the results you’re hoping to achieve. SculpSure has few to no side effects and has none to a small chance of complications. To know more about SculpSure and our other non-surgical cosmetic services or to schedule an appointment, we invite you to contact us at (408) 740-5320.