Rejuve Medical

Top 4 Reasons to Undergo Botox Treatments

As the body ages, it goes through physiological and physical changes and often, it’s the skin that is first to manifest signs of aging. Wrinkles begin to appear long before your bones start to creak, shares Dr. John Tang, M.D., a trusted doctor for Botox treatments in the San Jose Bay Area. And this is why lines and wrinkles, he adds, have become a source of frustration for adults; they’re active and they feel young, but they don’t look it.

Botox cosmetic treatment

There are two types of wrinkles that appear on the face: dynamic and static. Dynamic wrinkles appear first before statie wrinkles. Usually, dynamic wrinkles start to appear in your 30’s and by the time you hit 40 or 50, they have become static wrinkles.

On that note, dynamic wrinkles are the first to be addressed and for those who want a non-invasive treatment, a Botox cosmetic procedure is the best choice. Botox treatments are specifically designed to temporarily improve fine lines and wrinkles. Results usually last between two and four months, after which a follow-up treatment is advised.

Here are the Top 4 reasons patients undergo a Botox cosmetic treatment:

1. Improve fine lines and wrinkles

The top reason, of course, is to improve the appearance of dynamic lines and wrinkles on the forehead, between the eyebrows, and around the eyes. Facial creases and folds, particularly folds around the mouth and lines from the sides of the nose down to the upper sides of the mouth are not treatable with Botox but are effectively eliminated by the use of a dermal filler.

2. Look younger and more radiant

The whole point of undergoing Botox treatments is to look young, or at least not to look old. After one session, you will see noticeable improvement on the fine lines, wrinkles, and folds and creases that have been your constant source of frustration for so long.

3. Boost self-confidence

Your face reveals a lot about you, and if you always look stressed, sad, and/or frustrated because of the lines and wrinkles that appear with every facial expression that you make, you might be conveying a negative message. And for a lot of patients, these lines and wrinkles make them feel self-conscious. But with these effectively out of sight, you could get an instant boost in self-confidence.

4. Look their best for a special occasion

Weddings (yours or a loved one’s), anniversaries, family reunions, school reunions, birthdays, and other big celebrations and special occasions you’ve been invited to are reason enough to undergo a Botox treatment. You want to look your best when you see family and friends you haven’t seen in a long time.

Botox treatments at Rejuvé

Why do you want to receive Botox injections? What are your specific skin concerns? New to Botox treatments? Contact Rejuvé at (408) 740-5320 to schedule a consultation with Dr. John Tang. Or you may also leave a message here.